304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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Seek the source of your identification and purpose

Seek the source

I’ve learned something fascinating from the word and from experience. Certain encounters were difficult to go through since they were hurtful and misinterpreted. Without going into too much detail, let me give you a small example of a passage that I was terrified of since I was a young girl. I’ve ignored this scripture and refused to let it into my mind for years. Then, one day, as I was going through a difficult situation, I cried out to God in my urgent need for answers. And all of a sudden, it’s as if a switch was flicked, enlightening me. The text that I used to fear was brought to my attention by the Lord, but now I see it from a different perspective. The antithesis of what God wanted me to know was what I feared. As you can see, there was much blessing but there where a tiny amount of unhappiness in this verse of scripture. However, I grabbed hold of the smaller portion (as though it were the entire thing) and lived in terror. I was not able to comprehend reality. Years later, I was finally freed from the fear that had been holding me back because of miscommunication.

We are often more susceptible to following our own thinking, which misleads us, than turning to God, the source of all life. We need to recognize how dependent we are on God and God alone. Seek the source if you’re looking for answers concerning your life.

I turned to God for answers

My appeal to God is connected to my role and who I am in Him. After getting the answers, I’ve encountered more self-discoveries as I aim to finish the assignment. I had to go to the Creator, who is the source of all my answers, and put my faith in His plan for my life.

The scripture below started to weigh heavily on my heart in the days leading up to my seeking the Lord for guidance. It turned into the pull that guided me to pray. I was broken and had no one else to turn to but God when all of this was going on.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. – In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

The source will respond to you

There are a lot of people in the church who are unaware of their identity or role in Christ. Some people are confused about who they are; this could be due to anything that was said about them or a traumatic event that left them feeling uncertain. Some people lack confidence in Christ and think they are unfit to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Some people choose to conduct their lives in defiance of God’s instructions while seeking or waiting for human acceptance. There are others who prevent God’s people from carrying out the tasks that God has assigned them; these people are against God’s purpose for His people and His kingdom. Some people are merely scared or unsure of where to start. Unaware of their true inheritance in Christ, many have learned to live in poverty and accepted it as the way things are. Going to the source—the person who fashioned your heart—is a straightforward way to address the aforementioned problems.

Give God your heart’s cry regarding your identity and destiny in Christ. He’ll provide you the information you require. Seek Him by reading the Bible, fasting and praying, and by following His Spirit’s guidance. Always have faith in God. He is not going to mislead you. He will also guide you along the path He has predetermined for your life. As He leads you’ll learn more about God’s plan for your life and who you are in Christ. Because you trust Him, you’ll go fearlessly in what He has given you to do and let Him guide your path.

You will have God’s support as He leads you, even though not everyone will believe in you. Be encouraged, dearly beloved of God.

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